Introduction to Birding in Guyana

A couple of years ago I was invited on a familiarization tour of Guyana. I was unable to go, but knew several of the people who DID go, incl...

Spring Arrivals in Two Waves

Man, you go away for a fortnight, and while you're gone, all the spring birds start arriving! Just in at the farm this week: fox sparr...

Pondering My Life List

Masked duck was one of my most recent life list additions. I need some input from you, the readers of this blog. I just updated my life list...

Beautiful Gull

On the pelagic trip I joined out of San Diego , California, in early March, I got a chance to take a few images of what just might be North ...

Clean as a Rail

thumbnail I believe I have discovered the secret of how the light-footed clapper rail keeps its feet so clean. After all, if you made your living str...

Uncountable Alien

I've gotta give another BOTB shout-out to the most amazing bird I've seen in the United States thus far this year: the black-throate...

BWD 1978

While visiting a park (ahown above) along the Pacific Ocean in La Jolla, California, I happened to look down and there, in the concrete righ...

Some Birds Along the Border

Anna's hummingbird, male, at Dairy Mart Ponds. Digiscoped images from my Friday all-day birding field trip along the US/Mexican border...

Sleeping Godwits

Along the Pacific coast, near San Diego, my birding group ran across this flock of sleeping shorebirds. The flock was mostly marbled godwits...

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