Adding Time

Yesterday I found myself wishing that we could add an hour to our day everyday. Then I realized that would likely mean another hour of work each day and quickly nixed the idea, but it was fun while it lasted.  Sunday morning we awoke to a steady rain and chilly temperatures.  Pardon me while I sink back under the covers after racing down the hall to start the kettle for morning tea.  The Chef had a leisurely surprise date day planned for us and all I had to do was decide what to wear.  Good thing I made that plan last week, right? HA!

After a light snack we set out for LA to take in a lengthy brunch at one of our old fave spots.  Why is it that afternoon cocktails taste particularly divine on the weekend?  And why do you suppose it is that time seems to move so much more quickly when you're doing just what you'd like to?  Things to ponder now that Monday is upon us yet again.  Oh to be mid-afternoon yesterday...the work week still in the distance, crisp breeze in my hair, warm movie theatre calling our names.

  Rainy morning gave way to clear skies by early afternoon.
Short lived.
Perfect weather for lounging the day away over a menu of favorites.
Closed out the day with warm rays in the cool air.  
It's officially sweater weather!

Last night we caught Martha Marcy May Marlene starring Elizabeth Olsen (Mary Kate and Ashley's sister in case you're unaware).  All I can say is:  mind-bender.  I don't want to give it away, but highly recommend that you see it if you haven't already.  It's an intense story and the acting is really good.  I left the theatre feeling disturbed, somewhat bewildered and with wheels turning.  Perfect movie if you're in the mood for something a little darker.

Confession:  My workload is super demanding right now and it's tough for me to blog daily + work 10+ hours + find some sort of balance so if you're still reading along I appreciate you hanging in there with me.  If I don't return comments daily it's not because I don't care, and wanted to be sure to mention that.  I am still visiting your blogs, but can't always comment as often as I'd like.  Being a grown-up is not all it's cracked up to be...bills. Argh.

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