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Join the ABA
4:58 PM
American Birding Association,
bird clubs,
birding in North America
If you are a bird watcher who enjoys the company of others who share your interest in birds, I suggest you consider joining the American Birding Association. The ABA, as birders call it, has undertaken a new initiative to attract members and they are offering some incentives: namely a new lower price and a cool birding T-shirt.
Click on the icon above for the inside scoop. I plan to renew my ABA membership at the Midwest Birding Symposium, where the ABA has a booth in the Birder's Marketplace. If you've never belonged, I suggest you check it out. I've been a member since 1988.
I can think of a few reason why joining the ABA is a good thing for a bird watcher, but the most important one (in my opinion) is the social connectivity it provides. ABA annual conventions and regional events provide wonderful opportunities to meet and get to know birders from other parts of North America. And the birding is pretty darn good, too.
Let's face it, we birders need a national organization that caters to our interests. Any ABA members want to chime in on this topic?
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