Dan-ger on the Fall Sales Seas!

It all started last week when I got an email from someone named Dan-ger (true story) stating I had just won $1,000,000.  All Dan-ger required was for me to send Dan-ger my full name, address, bank routing and account numbers.  Oh and, of course, my social security number.

Correspondence went something like this:
 Dear Dan-ger:  Nice Try.
Sincerely:  Carrie.  And no you're not getting my real last name.  Suck it.
Why oh why do these people insist on trying to scam the poor and innocent?  What if an elderly person just got a computer for the very first time and happened to need money?  They could fall for Dan-ger's schemes.  Any naive person could.  I'd like to give Dan-ger a piece of my mind.  I hope he's reading this.  Here's a piece!!  And yes I did just use Dan-ger's fake name 7x.  Because any fool trying to scam someone using the handle "Dan-ger" is not working up to his or her full scamming potential.  Really Dan-ger...DANGER!! As in stranger danger (coincidentally enough) - I mean we all learned that one in elementary.  Shakes head profusely so happy for the weekend and the delete button.

It's sad that Dan-ger has no intention on giving me a MIL, because I could really use it right about now given all the sick sales codes that also appeared in my email this week. In order to keep myself focused on not acquiring a bunch of things I'll wear once, but love opening the closet just to see hanging there while I eat rice noodles to pay the bills, I came up with a list of what I am allowed to contemplate. Grouped by texture and not necessarily these items per se.  Who am  I kidding?  These items, too.


And, of course, Bling!

Happy Weekend Everyone!! 

I had a great day on the workout and eat healthy wagon - it was a 2 mile brisk walk and another Pilates session.  My abs were screaming and I could barely haul it out of bed.  Feels good! Next week I'll share some of my snack tips and what not so that all of you who are jumping on with me can get some ideas.  It was awesome to see your response and I would love to hear anything that's working well for you, too.  Wave buh-bye to the muffins!!

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