Take One Last Look in the Rearview

I had to work today.  *mumble mumble profanity grumble*

I really can't complain.  I mean it's not that bad.  It's just the feeling of next week barreling towards me at, oh, 750 miles an hour.  And the fact I'd convinced myself I was the only person in the free world working (not true after all. go figure) *pauses to lie down while there's still time*

Early this afternoon The Chef came over for our semi-annual garage dive.  The one where he pries a bunch of crap from my vulcan grip to give to charity while I stand on one foot debating whether or not I need it anymore. But this time I was ready for him.  I wanted to give it all the heave-ho!  Off the starboard bow, over the hurdles and into the great unknown.  *you know, because it's always so much easier to purge when it's a situation of work vs. purge*

When I'm in the mood to let it all fly I'm in the mood to let it all fly and suffice it to say it flew.  There were just a few treasures I couldn't let go of this round.  Examine the evidence:
Dudes.  Everyone needs a magic wand.
And some Foo Dogs, a rotisserie chicken thing, a set of jumper cables and a cat carrier.  
But who's keeping track?
And there's no way I'm getting rid of the gift box from
 the bomb a** Missoni throw the Chef got me back in 2009 when the 
recession had bit a hole clear through the derriere of my pantalones.
It was the nicest gift evah...even though it sat in a crate in NYC until February while
we called and called and called realizing the receiving company was in dire straits and
couldn't pay for the shipment so the blanket had to be reordered through a different store.
It was the Great Blanket Adventure of 2009. Woot!
What is this you ask?  Brace yourself.
Hell yeah! It's a Piglet phone cover circa 1998!  
Don't ask me what I was thinking at time of purchase.  Clearly very brainiac thoughts.

Anyway on that note I give 2011 the royal kiss off with a wave of me magic wand!  It was a wild one and I'm ready to shake the dust from my heels and slide into 2012.  PS- yesterday was Good Riddance Day.  A time to say goodbye to one bad memory from 2011, write it down and shred that mother up.  Did you tear one up?  *I may or may not have stuffed an envelope full and clogged the shredder.*

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