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Attention Digiscopers!
12:09 PM
Bird Watcher's Digest,
Digiscoper of the Year Competition,
Swarovski Optik
Bird Watcher's Digest has partnered with Swarovski Optik for this year's "Digiscoper of the Year" competition. Swarovski has offered this competition for several years, and each year the images submitted get more and more interesting.
You can read the rules here.
And you can see some of the images uploaded so far for the competition by visiting the DOTY homepage.
The good news is this: If your image is chosen, you could win some sweet Swarovski binoculars. Images taken using ANY spotting scope and camera combination are eligible (in other words, you don't have to be a Swarovski user).
The not-so-good news is: The deadline for entries is October 31, 2009. You can upload your images in a jiffy online using the form at this link.
Winners of the North American competition will automatically be entered into the international Digiscoper of the Year competition, also sponsored by Swarovski.
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