The new feeders I set up two weeks ago, outside the west kitchen window, are getting lots of traffic now. All the usual suspects are in the chow line rotation, which greatly enhances the daytime view from the seats at one end of the kitchen table.
I used a tripod clamp to attach my Canon 30D with the 300mm lens to the table, so I can sit there working or eating or reading the newspaper (remember those?) and be ready to snap off some frames if there's a good opportunity.
I STILL need to spend some quality time learning how to take good bird images. But here's what I grabbed from the new feeders one afternoon earlier this week.
A male red-bellied woodpecker, lured in by the peanuts. He's still not too sure about that large gun-like object I'm pointing at him.
Nice to be able to see the actual red belly on a red-bellied woodpecker.
The American goldfinches are losing their summer colors, fading to their winter tones of drab yellow-green.
A new tube feeder filled with new seed got the GOFI's attention.
The northern cardinals had a phenomenal breeding season—there are dark-billed youngsters everywhere. Even the adults (female above, male below) are looking a bit different as they molt out their summer feathers for a new set of winter duds.
There are some additional enhancements I need to do to the feeding station to make it a bit better for bird photography. I need to add a couple of perches for our mutual convenience. And I may try to add another feeder or two. With our weather set to take a turn for winter, I'd better get cracking!
Here's wishing everyone a birdy weekend.
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